Rentals in 2020 in London Zone 1

Using repeat listings of properties in Zoopla over the last few years, we estimate that rents are down around 5% in most of Central London. Rents are down 10% in WC areas while unchanged in Shoreditch/Hackney.

In the last post we saw that advertised rental prices in Zone 1 London were down upto 25% compared to 2019. However, that analysis did not adjust for the properties. It could be that most of the properties advertised this year were lower value compared to 2019.

In this post, we use a model based approach to adjust for change in property mix to estimate the average change in prices.


Our dataset contains properties in Zone 1 that have been listed more than once over two different years. We have 35,550 listings from 7,195 properties. Most of the listings are in 2020 (see below)

Number of listings per year

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 
6683 3407 2794 2522 2448 2213 2199 1849 3475 3359 3165  891  199   78   89  155   13   10    1 

Within 2020, 910/6683 (14%) of listings were from before the UK wide lockdown in March.

Prices asked and postcodes

     price      postcode_area   postcode_district postcode_region
 Min.   : 511   W2     : 4408   W2     : 4408     SW     :11325  
 1st Qu.:1733   W1     : 4321   SE1    : 2767     W      :10902  
 Median :2383   SW1    : 3402   SW7    : 2640     SE     : 3045  
 Mean   :2860   SE1    : 2767   NW1    : 2437     NW     : 2701  
 3rd Qu.:3358   SW7    : 2640   SW3    : 2409     E      : 2691  
 Max.   :9997   NW1    : 2437   E1     : 1918     EC     : 1975  
                (Other):15575   (Other):18971     (Other): 2911  


I will build a model to predict the price based on property_id, postcode area, postcode district, postcode region, sale year, and sale month. I add an interaction between sale year and postcode to extract the change between 2019 and 2020. Since the features are correlated, a regular linear model would suffer, hence we use ridge regression.

Model formula

log(price_num) ~ property_key + postcode_district + postcode_area + 
    sale_year + sale_month + postcode_region + postcode_region:sale_year + 
    postcode_district:sale_year + postcode_area:sale_year - 1

The model can be fitted on the dataset using the glmnet package in R. I use 4-fold cross validation to pick the amount of regularisation required to prevent overfitting. The cross fold RMSE was 0.30.

Map view

We can feed dummy data into our model for 2019 and 2020 and predict the prices of all properties in each postcode for the two years. The difference between 2019 and 2020 will give us an estimate of the COVID and WFH effect.

The visualisation of the change in prices per ward (postcode boundaries) in Zone 1 of London can be seen below. The darker the colour, the lower the prices in 2020 compared to last year.

The overall decrease in prices of 0 - 12% according to the model seem less harsh than our previous analysis of negative 10-25%. This is expected since we are adjusting for the change in the mix of property in 2020 with the model.

Otherwise, we see that prices in center have decreased much more than outer areas (as expected). Separately, we can see that prices in West London (WC) postcodes have decreased more than EC postcodes. South London also seems to have been less affected. Shoreditch/Hackney areas have not been affected at all!

Further work

Next time, I plan to compute the change in prices for more zones and also add uncertainty bounds using the brms package in R.
